Guest Opportunity: Louise Uwacu– Accredited Author, Philanthropist, Executive Producer and Host of U&I Talk Show.
With every shooting that happens in the United States, the victims become younger and younger. The shooters also are younger. Over the past 5 years, we have seen elementary schools shot at by shooters only slightly older than their victims.
All my years after surviving Rwanda, I have been wondering what a huge difference it would have made in numbers of dead people, if we could have had an educated, trained and armed population. Ready to defend itself from the so-called regular, random daily incidents or from the highly organized tyranny of a dictatorship
After each tragedy, the news is all about gun control. Is that really the issue?
Host of U&I Talk Show and philanthropist, Louise Uwacu expresses her unique experience coming from Rwanda and now living in North America on the fears of guns in the hands of our children.
Louise Uwacu is eager to discuss answers to the following important questions:
As a survivor of a terrible war in Rwanda, what is your view on the amount of guns in the United States?
What are the dangers of gun control being enforced?
School shootings are all too often, how do we teach parents better control of guns at home?
Will the United States ever understand the atrocities that go on in other countries with guns?
Meet Louise Uwacu:
* Executive Producer and Host of The National U&I Talk Show.
* CEO and Co Founder of Positivision, a Non Profit Educational Organization
* Self-Proclaimed Under-Cover Comedian
* International Affairs Expert and Media Personality
* Exceptional Political Analyst and News Commentator
* Renowned Author of "The WRITIVIST* WAR IS WRITE” and ““The nightmare of a POSITIVISION.”
* Passionate Philanthropist and Motivational Speaker
* Produced and Hosted the Documentary, POSITIVISION* in MALI.